Renewable energy growth needed in Australia

Article posted

28th Jun 2023

Read time

3-6 min read


Mollie Pinnington

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The government in Australia has high emission reduction goals, however, the renewable energy industry needs to grow a lot faster to meet this. One way the renewable industry is trying to do this is through solar energy. There have been many large-scale solar energy projects. As well as solar farms being built, many homes have been fitted with solar systems in order to reduce their reliance on electricity from the grid.

Renewables have grown across the country, with 35.9% of Australia’s total electricity generation being supplied by renewables last year, this is up from 17% in 2017. The energy sector is optimistic about more renewable generation as the country moves away from fossil fuel-based energy generators. Many Australian coal power plants have been decommissioned in recent years to open up more capacity for renewable generation.

However, this needs to double in order for the country to meet the government's 2030 targets. According to Australia's 2020 Emissions Reduction Target report, reducing emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2030 is necessary in order to reduce pollution and safeguard Australia’s environment. To reach these reduction targets, renewable energy sources must provide over 50% of Australia’s electricity by 2030.

The industry must continue to innovate and grow to meet this target. There are a variety of technologies that can be used such as wind turbines, solar panels, and hydroelectricity. In addition, research is being conducted into new storage solutions for renewable energy so that more electricity can be generated during peak periods.

To make sure Australia reaches its goals, it is important for all levels of government to invest in renewable energy sources and provide incentives for businesses and individuals to switch over from non-renewable sources. With the right support and investment, Australia can move away from a fossil fuel-based economy towards a more sustainable future powered by renewable energy.

How does renewable energy benefit business energy bills?

The country being more reliant on renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind turbines, and hydroelectricity can benefit businesses by reducing their energy bills. With the rising cost of fossil fuels, renewable energy sources could bring stabilization to the energy market in the long term.

The Australian government has already implemented several policies to encourage businesses to switch to renewable sources, such as the Renewable Energy Target (RET). This scheme incentivizes businesses to switch to renewables by providing them with financial support.

In addition, businesses that choose to use renewable energy can also benefit from improved public perception and increased brand recognition. Many consumers are now more conscious of a company’s environmental impact and switching to renewable energy is seen as a positive move. This can help businesses gain new customers and retain existing ones.

Overall, using renewable energy sources is beneficial for businesses in many ways. Not only do they save money on their energy bills but also help to reduce their environmental impact while improving public perception of the company. Renewables are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to non-renewable sources and businesses should take advantage of the many benefits they offer.

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