Resolve Energy News

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Resolve Energy was founded in 2011 by a board of directors with more than 30 years’ experience behind them in the sector. The vision is to provide our clients with the very best service, empowering them with the knowledge and support to get the best possible deals tailored for their individual business energy needs.

MPAN guide for UK businesses

MPAN guide for UK businesses

As a business energy expert, one of the most common questions we get from UK businesses is, "How do I find my MPAN number?" Understanding your Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) is crucial when switching energy suppliers, comparing tariffs, or resolving supply issues. In this guide, we’ll explain how to locate your MPAN and why it's important for your business. What is an MPAN?...

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Business energy consumption falls as prices rise

Business energy consumption falls as prices rise

Recent research has shown that the average business consumes 12.3% less energy than they did last year. Most large businesses across the UK are driving this trend as small business energy consumption has slightly risen. The main reason for the reduction in consumption was most likely due to fears that prices were going to start rising, making large companies less competitive than they already...

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See what wholesale gas prices mean for your business

See what wholesale gas prices mean for your business

Current trends have shown that in February 2025, wholesale gas prices have surged to a two-year high, reaching 140 pence per therm. These are price levels that have not been seen since January 2023. This is going to cause challenges for energy consumers, particularly businesses. Find out how your company can stay on top of gas prices and protect your bottom line. Impact on business energy...

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Where is my electricity meter? Business guide

Where is my electricity meter? Business guide

As a business owner, keeping track of your energy usage is essential for managing costs and improving efficiency. One of the most common questions we get from businesses is,"Where is my electricity meter?" Knowing where and how to read your electricity meter is crucial to managing energy costs. Why locating your electricity meter is important Electricity meters are the gateway to understanding...

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What is my MPAN number? A guide for UK businesses

What is my MPAN number? A guide for UK businesses

As business energy experts, we often get asked by clients, "What is my MPAN number?" An MPAN is a really important piece of information, essential for any business, like yours, looking to manage their electricity supply efficiently. When switching energy providers or resolving billing issues, you will need your MPAN to confirm your electricity meter. This guide will explain what an MPAN...

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Energy intensive industries are calling for help 

Energy intensive industries are calling for help 

The UK's manufacturing organisation, Make UK, has made calls for an industrial energy market regulator. This would give energy intensive industries the support they need when it comes to high energy costs. Make UK, feel as though it is unfair that UK industrial businesses face much higher energy prices than their European competitors, making it very hard to compete across the UK. The industrial...

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